to the Benton & Bowles
Alumni Website
improved B&B
alumni party!
here to see the 2003 2nd Reunion Photos
Product Attracts Almost 20% More Than Before!
On October 20,2003, over 250 B&B-ers (see attendees
list below) met, kissed, hugged, screamed, cried, ran towards
others, ran from others, exchanged glances, pictures, reminiscences,
business cards and gossip.
That number was up from 220 last year, and included representatives
from every department.
La Maganette was packed until 10:30, when smaller groups adjourned to
a few local joints to probe even deeper into the things that made B&B
such a special place for so many years.
(And there was at least one job offer and acceptance on the spot!)
Jack Talks, People Listen
It was generally agreed that not a single person looked a day older
than they did 20-49 years ago, except for Jack Bowen who looked three
years younger than his college graduation picture. He didn’t reprise
his fiery 2002 talk, but worked the admiring crowd one-on-one.
It’s Not Creative
Unless Al Shows
Al Hampel huddled with copywriters, art directors, producers, casting
people and an occasional lost account-type. He agreed that if he could
he would give retroactive raises to everyone in the creative department.
Squeezably Soft
Account executives were heard discussing strategies on how to break
into the circle surrounding Tom Carey as he held comic court in a crowded
Quicker Picker-Uppers
Liz Musch got to 50th street and Third from Paris, Lin Braun from Australia,
Jane and Lynn Wells from Rumania. Shorter-hoppers were Gary Langstaff
from Colorado, Arty Selkowitz and Steve Davis from California, Greg
Walker from Atlanta, Steve Gordet from Miami, George Burnett from Colorado,
Stam Nishimura from Florida, Rick Ray from Chicago, Kathy McSherry,
Gail DeGroat, and Wendy Greenfield from Pennsylvania and Leslie J. Stark
from Massachusetts.
The last words from a great many people were “When are we going
to do this again?” And the most popular answer was “Next
year.” Right now, planners are considering the third Monday in
October (10/18/04) but would like some media person to negotiate with
La Maganette for lower drink rates. However, any suggestions for another
place will also be considered. Send them to Vicky Amon at vickyma9@aol.com.
Check the website www.bandb-alums.com for all kinds of good stuff about B&B and the past. Not to mention
your future. Send Diane Dudzinski (at dudzinski@bigplanet.com)
a profile of what you’re doing now, where you’re living,
when you worked at B&B. We’ll post it and who knows what can
happen. Some job possibilities if you’re looking, some personal
replies from long-lost friends if you’re not.
Please send any information you have about B&B-ers who aren’t
in the loop to Gail Zeltman at gzeltman@yahoo.com
Moved Their Tails For Us
The B&B Alumni Party was brought to you by Vicky Amon, Don Blauweiss,
Diane Dudzinski, Gary Langstaff, Joyce LaRosa, Peter Nord, Dale Puckett,
Larry Sillen, Janet Stanton, Richard Thorne, and Gail Zeltman.
See you in 2004!