The 2010 B&B Reunion
The rains came. And so did 100 soaking, sodden B&B celebrants.
The more it rained, the more people poured into Opal on Second Avenue (where the elite now meet to eat) to celebrate the 2010 Reunion, on Monday, April 26.
Everyone looked squishy, not a one looked older, and all looked like they were glad to see everybody, except maybe … (Just joking.)
If you weren’t there, you were missed. For a list of people who missed you, scroll below.
ADVERTISING BEING WHAT IT IS, B&B-ERS FROM THE GOOD OLD DAYS SCRAMBLED AFIELD FOR NEW OPPORTUNITIES – Real estate was the clear winner. An apartment houseful of ex-account people, research people and creatives are selling real estate on what they all agreed was a resurging market, or a stable market or a down market about to surge.
Pro bono workers for political candidates and charities trolled Opal for good causes. Bono workers trailed it for rent-paying jobs.
And there were painters and potters and mosaic designers, furniture makers, furniture finishers, jewelry designers, fiber artists and more than a few who were still trying to make some money through advertising, though many had no idea what advertising was today. (What are those things that keep popping up on my computer?)
Musicians? More than a bandful. Singers, pianists, composers, a couple of researchers who admitted they hum in the shower.
MILEAGE AWARD WINNERS. SIX MORE REUNIONS AND THEY FLY FREE TO CINCINNATI – David Winclechter aired it from Michigan, Steve Gordet from Miami, Nancy Bennett from Jamestown Rhode Island, Kathy McSherry from Doylestown Pa, Jackie and Alan Harris tunneled from New Jersey, Jay Fraser got here mysteriously from Texas, still denying he’s with the CIA (had a card to prove it), Gail Zeltman trekked from Cape Cod and, all-time million miler, Netta Linder Valdimer Evans either walked or flew from Miami.
AND LISTEN TO THIS! – Liz Musch and Barbara Byrne couldn’t make it from Paris but Liz’s son Max is going to St. Joseph’s in Philly next year, so she’ll likely be in at the next one. Connie Williams had good intentions but …
Pam Cohen came in from Chicago, but two weeks late (with husband David).
Creative directing a New Jersey agency prevented Ro Leone from braving the squalls over the Hudson.
But Barry LoGuidice got across, as did Denis Harrington from across the NYC-Westchester border and Mary Jo Clayton from across the street and up a few blocks.
NOT TO MENTION … Advertising Hall of Famer, plays ragtime and Chopin, has new hip, two eight year olds and was featured in major NY Times story. One guess. Roy Eaton, of course, former Music Director, now noodling Steinways in concert halls around town.
They laughed when he went to website school, but Al Ragin is laughing all the way to the bank as a pre-eminent web designer.
Lerner and Lowe make chin music together. Sid Lerner and Milt Lowe were there. Much talk about the sad demise of loveable curmudgeon Shelly Platt last year.
Charlotte Rosenblatt brightened a path as she wove through the throngs. Karen Gray was able to write down emails addresses in the glow.
Ron Campbell looked like he was about to leave for a meeting at GF … or P&G … or Schlitz Malt Liquor.
Arty Selkowitz, Patty Enright, Jane Pendlebury and Sherry Nemmers recounted the dying days of agency. Happy to see old friends and not have to fire them.
Lord and Master … plus the Voice: Dick Lord circulated as usual, as did Peggy Masterson Kalter, with her husband, Alan, of the Letterman Show.
Man plays music for money! Graham Woodall left Chicago for New York where he now gets paid for playing, a more rewarding arrangement than he had before.
A creative team, complaining that Loretta Wakuya had once killed a great campaign of theirs, was soothed by Jerry Weinstein saying “Interesting.”
Tom Hendee, vision impaired, mind and memory not. Tom sat in a booth and reminisced with a parade of admirers. It did not, unfortunately include Ruth Levine, whose city street was deluged by the evening’s storm.
Dick Ende wins Best Smile Award. “You can see the joy between the wrinkles,” said the chairwoman of the award committee. Billy D'Ambrosio took second, though he took first place for “smile most resembling his picture on Facebook.”
Milt Lowe blogs, Jeff Johnson advises, Phil Wallace publishes. Milt’s blog, Mister Thistle is humorous social commentary, Jeff’s offers “Smart Advice and Help in Small Doses,” and Phil’s new novel Chasing the Cobra, is about pirates, either the seventeenth century Mediterranean ones, or an agency he worked at after B&B, he wasn’t clear.
Bensusen and Rosenberg just keep on goin’ and JoAnne McShane just keeps on needling them. Al has had one-man shows of his, shall we say, R-rated sculpture, Ross is writing a novel, possibly about chairs. JoAnne making year-long schleps to East Hampton where she’s in touch with Chet Lane.
JACK BLITZES, AL SHPRITZES – Even sans tie, Jack Bowen looks like Roman Navarro and Charlton Heston in Ben-Hur. He was caught in a spirited conversation with Al Hampel, who responded with Borscht Belt wisdom, leavened by Y&R straights. Later, a number of creatives said that Al had just promised them raises until reminded that he didn’t have a budget anymore.
KID STUFF – Lots of pictures of lots of kids; lots of proud parent (and grandparent) stories. Cathy Aromondo’s Molly off to college, taller than her mom. Vicky Amon’s Laura graduating college and looking for work (OY!). Jon Guliner’s a grandpa. Oscar Recalde’s son graduating college about to become a Marine officer.
PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES. – Check yourself (and everyone else) on the link below. No names this year, just big name-tags, but everyone looks the same as last time, a few a few years younger.
You can also see the shots on (look for Larry Sillen’s gallery of 207 pics from the B&B Alumni Reunion 2010). You can view them there in a slide show, download and store or print on your computer.
WE’RE IN THE MONEY! SORT OF. – The big turnout swelled our funds. So drinks, food, photos, mailing costs were all covered. As are continuing costs like website maintenance, condolence flowers, postage for mailings to recalcitrant Luddites and a financial start on the next Reunion.
SAME TIME NEXT YEAR? OR TWO YEARS? WHAT DO YOU THINK? – Current plans are to wait until Spring 2012, but there were a number of requests to do it sooner, like Spring 2011. We’ve also got more volunteers.
Joyce LaRosa found Opal and everyone found it fine. A little tight at the height of things, but no complaints about anyone not seeing everyone he or she wanted to see. And plenty of rooms for hugs, kisses, raising glasses and demonstrations of the backswing with a nine-iron. “The best party yet” was a common comment.
DO WE HAVE THE GOODS ON YOU? – Please check the website and make sure what we say about you is true. If an error, a misprint, or a damnable lie, email
STILL TIME TO HAVE THE B&B ALUMNI ASSOCIATION NAMED AFTER YOU! – For a donation of $25,000, more or less, this can be (Your Name) Alumni association. Any offers? Roy? Anyone?
Here's who came:
Vicky Amon
Tom Arnold
Nancy Bennett
Jeannie Benson
Al Bensusen
Betsy Bernstein
Don Blauweiss
Jack Bloom
Jack Bowen
Elaine Breakstone
Murray Bruce
Jean Burke
Ron Campbell
Lisa Chapman
Lisa Chapman’s sister
Mary Jo Clayton
Molly Clevenger
Bill D’Ambrosio
Charlie Decker
Lucinda Doran
Cathy Aromondo Donovan
Diane Dudzinski
Roy Eaton
Edie Edelman
Andy Edelstein
Dick Ende
Patty Enright
Jay Fraser
Ken Fried
Leah Gans
Jack Goldberg
Alan Goltz
Steve Gordet
Karen Gray
Peter Greene
Al Hampel
Denis Harrington
Alan Harris
Jackie Harris
Steve Jankowski
Jeff Johnson
Paula Juliano
Peggy Masterson Kalter
Alan Kalter
Roseann Largendorf
Joyce LaRosa
Jerry Layefsky
Bob Lelle
Paul Lepelletier
Sid Lerner
Netta Linder

Barry Loguidice
Dick Lord
Linda Miller
Cathy Diana Mule
Lois Nelson
Dave Newton
John Nieman
Peter Nord
Linda Mann
Janet Mantz-Liciaga
Joanne McShane
Kathleen McSherry
Manny Morales and Jamilla
Sherry Nemmers
Jane Pendlebury
Joan Ellen Percoco
Jim Polizzi
Oscar Recalde
Elaine Revson
Ross Rosenberg
Charlotte Rosenblatt
David Rothenberg
Robin Sabith
Paulo Salles
Bill Sandberg
Helen Keyes Schachter
Barry Schacter
Steve Schwartz
Arty Selkowitz
Betsey Selkowitz
Ron Sheppard
Leah Shir
Patrick Sherwood
Norm Siegel
Larry Sillen
Abby Simon
R. Southworth
Karen Spector
Janet Stanton
Doreen Tierney Dinnen
Kathy Vagnone
Nick Vitale
Marlene Yokel
Phil Wallace
Jane Warshaw
Jerry Weinstein
Dave Winclechter
Graham Woodall
Steven Wright
Bingo Wyer
Gail Zeltman