Squeezably soft and touching was overwhelming crowd assessment of fifth annual reunion at Rosie O’Grady’s.

The demise of B&B having finally driven La Maganette out business, a frantic search for a new venue ended
with the discovery of the elegant downstairs room of Rosie O’Grady’s at 52nd and Seventh, thanks to Joyce LaRosa.

80 odd alumni made the most of their time reminiscing and kissing, chugging and hugging, roasting and toasting,
networking and working the room, all the while trying to avoid the open fire.

Many B&B-ers are still working, some pro bono, some pro money. The bonos included Jack Bowen, still looking
like he’s ready to be promoted to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Arty Selkowitz and wife Betsey, Abbie Snyder,
Tom Carey, Gail Zeltman, Charlotte Rosenblatt and Peter Greene. Pro money were the ones handing out business cards.

Some interesting career changes were noted, including Ross Rosenberg now working at a law firm with a very
relaxed dress code and Phil Wallace, writing historical fiction. Ruth Chester is still involved with the wonderful
New Choreographers on Point.

Netta Linder Valdimer came up from Florida, Nancy Tschirhart Koster across from The Netherlands, Leslie J.
Stark and Gail Zeltman down from Massachusetts, Angie Garcia Gruder east from Las Vegas, Connie Williams
south from Hartford, Fletcher Cochran by car from Grand Rapids, Tom Hendee and Ruth Levine straight from the East Side.

Donations were requested at the party to keep up the website, pay for a new webmaster (any volunteers?) and bring
back a professional photographer so Joyce LaRosa, Jeannie Benson, Diane Dudzinski and Don Blauweiss can spend
more time next year drinking, talking or drumming up business instead of taking photos. (See photos below)

We’re delighted with the money that people donated through the evening, but we could always use a little more cash to
accomplish the above and start funding the next party. So, you’re most cordially invited to contribute (no amount too large*,
no amount too small), with a check made to CASH (write B&B Alumni Event in MEMO section), and send it to Joan Keating,
194 Garth Road, Apt. 6-L, Scarsdale NY 10583-3819.

* For a $25,000 contribution the event will be named for you! Imagine, The Your Name B&B Alumni Association!
Think about it. Wouldn't that be something to tell your grandchildren?

Not same place, not next year. Much thought has been given to the timing of the next alumni party. Suggestions ranged
from every week (from a copywriter slumped at bar) to every two years. A popular compromise was reached.

Right now, we’re talking about a spring fling in 2008. Maybe April or May. Watch this space.

The wayward web. There’s apparently some out-of-date and incorrect information on the site. Our new webmaster
(when we get one) will be changing things. Please check the site HYPERLINK "http://www.bandb-alums.com"
www.bandb-alums.com to check your personal information. If there’s an error, email Gail Zeltman (gzeltman@yahoo.com).
The sooner the better.

Doing something you’d like to let people know? Send a little item to Diane Dudzinski (diane@blauweissadvertising.com) and she'll post it.


They made it.

Vicky Amon
Al Bensusen
Betsy Bernstein
Don Blauweiss
Jack Bloom
Jack Bowen
Ron Campbell
Tom Carey
Helene Castellon-Jacobowitz
Ruth Chester
Fletcher Cochran
Nick Coniglio
Lee Doyle
Diane Dudzinski
Roy Eaton
Edie Edelman
Janice Forbes
Gary Friedland
Scott Geyer
Gaile Gibbs Warren
Peter Greene
Angie Garcia Gruder
Karen Graff
Cheryl Greene
Jon Guliner
Dennis Harrington
Jackie Harris
Alan Harris
Tom Hendee
BJ Hyle
Steve Jankowski
Joan Keating
Mike Keenan
Diane Kenny
Helen Keyes and Barry Schachter
Betsy Kolt
Joyce LaRosa and sister Jeannie Benson
Sid Lerner
Ruth Levine
Netta Linder Valdimer Evans
Barry LoGiudice
Annie Loring
Joan MacDougall
Joanne McShane
Nell McCarren
George Magagnoli
Svend Mejdal
Margaret Melendez
Guy Migliaccio
Manny Morales
Niland Mortimer
Peter Nord
Katherine Ordinola
Tillie Parjus
John Peace
Joan Ellen Percoco
Pat Raab
Al Ragin
Jack Reynolds
Charlotte Rosenblatt
Ross Rosenberg
David Rothenberg
Robin Sabith
Scot Safon
Bill Sandberg
Arty and Betsey Selkowitz
Andrew Sereysky
Joan Galbraith Sereysky
Jeri Slater
Abbie Snyder
Janet Stanton
Leslie J. Stark
Hillary Tennenbaum
Nancy Tschirhart
Phil Wallace
Jerry Weinstein
Connie Williams
Gail Zeltman
Gill Ziff

They wanted to, but couldn't.

Scott Anderholt
Tim Arnold
Richard Barker
Jerry Baumann
Gail Bacal
Warren Berger
Sam Biondolillo
Allen Bosworth
Mario Botti
Doug Burns
Donna Grace Campbell
Joe Carlucci
Anna Cisar
Mary Jo Clayton
John Cross
Jeri Dack
Nina Davenport
Steve Davis
Diane De Bellis
Charlie Decker
Jay & Carol Durante
Gail DeGroat
Ren Drews
Brian Dillon
Tim Dolman
Rhett Dunaway
Ted Dunn
Jerry Dyson
Liz Eddy
Gary Elman
Dick Ende
Joe Erwin
Doug Fais
Steve Farella
John Fenton
Jean Fitzgerald
Paul Fleming
Butch Foust
Scott Frank
Ken Fried
Riva Furstein
Bill Ganji
Susan Gannon
Alice Goldberg
Hal Goldberg
Alan Goltz
Stuart Grau
Jerry Grossman
Rhoda Gugick
Mary Haberkern
Rich Hamilton
Bill Haney
Joel Harrison
Sylvia Holm-Jensen
Brian Hughes
Jim Hutchinson
Lisa Chapman-Ivanicki
Deborah Jackson Stymest
Myrna James
Tom Jans
Casey Jones
Sally Kahler Phillips
Ric Kallaher
Monica Shaffer Karo
Rick Karo
Sheila Kernes
Bill Kelly
Jeff Kelly
Mary Klar
Linda Kligman
Dick Kline
Bob Knecht
Art Koch
Paul Koreto
David Kreinik
Sandra Kroog
Paul Kurnit
Gary Langstaff
Jerry Layefsky
Eileen Leddy Dudwick
Izzy Levine
Darryl Lindberg
Larry Loiello
Tom McCaffrey
Don McGuinn
John McKendry
Si Merrill
Barbara Messink
Jim Meyer
Elissa Moses
Diane Murray
Liz Musch
Lois Nelson
Audrey Newman
Stam Nishimura
Bob O'Connell
Inge Oncken
Leslie Pascaud
Tom Pastore
Laurie Sopher Pastore
Joe Petruccio
Jim Phox
Burt Purmell
Owen Ryan
Peter Rosow
Laurel Rossi
George Ruthauser
Ed Saturn
Stephanie Saunders Fouch
Steve Schwartz
Norm Sherman
Steve Smith
Jan Sneed
Mary Snyder
David Soto
June Stanton
Ginger Sutton
Nancy Temkin
Tom Thompson
Richard Thorne
Bob Watson
Jane Wells
Lynn Wells
Katie Williams
Bingo Wyer
Marlene Yokel