4th Reunion

Vicky Amon & Roy Eaton

Anna Cisar & Doug Fais

Dennis Harrington, Al Bensusen, Elaine Brodey, Dick Ende

Al Ragin & Kathie Rokita

Ken Fried, Hillary Tannenbaum, Anne Loring

Fred Charrow & Al Bensusen

Jon Fisher & Barry LoGiudice

Kathy Vagnone & Roseann Langendorf

Jack Bloom, Kathie Rokita, Abbie Snyder, Steve Jankowski, Avi Dan

Janice Forbes, Margaret Melendez, Katherine Ordinola

Roy Eaton, Joel Harrison, Jack Bowen

Laura Amon inviting you to attend next year!

Janet Stanton & Jack Bowen

Janet Stanton, Jack Bowen, Vicky Amon

Vicky Amon & Jack Bowen

Jan Sneed

Jack Bowen at the mic

Jack Bowen at the mic

Listening to Jack Bowen

Listening to Jack Bowen

Jack Bowen makes a point

Jack Bowen enjoying the crowd


Laughing at Jack Bowen’s remarks

Jack Bowen at the mic

Jack Bowen

Crowd gives Jack Bowen a round of applause

Vicky Amon, Jack Bowen, Joyce LaRosa post-speech

Dinner is ready
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